Friday, 30 August 2013

In Praise of Others!:)

Back to today, and my current decision to make a career move into HRM & Training, along business opportunities to coach, mentor and support others in their own professional drive to reach better heights for themselves and others.  

It made me think how much more that same kind of trusted and inclusive relationships should apply between employees and senior management as it would between clients and consultants.

Laying the grounds of mutual support, respect and understanding; of constructive and positive communications; of a cooperative strive to do well and produce up to expectations, if not beyond! These are essential and fundamental concepts to agree on the ‘Terms & Conditions’, on our true intent to benefit one another. 

Not to falter or disappoint, not to revert to senseless auto-drive and insensitive robotic manoeuvering. But do our best to improve and give back the best we have for the sake of each other, and in praise for a work well done.

The Essence of 'Good Management'!

In my previous post, I had posted a link of Dr. Julian Birkinshaw's interesting short video presentation as Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurships at LSE.

In his lecture, Dr. Birkinshaw talked about 'Good Management' listing the attributes of good managers and giving an outlook at how good managers should behave with fellow colleagues, but mostly with subordinates as employees in a work environment.

He referred to the Marketing Management system and style adopted by marketeers when trying to define what 'Good Management' is. 

He said:

“Like Marketing, it is seeing the world through the eyes of your customers. Understanding the world through their point of views.”

Thursday, 29 August 2013

2 tips to good management | London Business School

The Far Reaches of Digital Footprints!

On my way heading back to London from Dubai, after a pleasant break spent a week earlier in Sri Lanka, I was reflecting on the parallel between ‘Frequent Flying’ & ‘Digital Footprint’! Somehow, these two common states of the global 21st century seemed so interconnected in speed, delivery and relevance.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

RSA - NHS at 65: rejuvenate or retire?

RSA - NHS at 65: rejuvenate or retire?

My comments:

Assuming responsibilities lie in sincere human care and nationwide health education where the citizens are as much involved, engaged and cooperative as their medical practitioners. Medical policies & manufacturing profits must be based on the needs of the patients as much as the needs of the medical system. Medical paralyses are not an option when healthcare resources and training are paramount! Reforms in mindsets and funding strategies are when Profits equates a Healthy Thriving Nation.