Friday, 20 September 2013

My Leicester Awards for Employability Reflections! Part II

Reflections on the LA for Employability Course:

I have certainly expanded on my online skills and SM learning as reflected by my own blog here and various posts submitted lately, mostly over the last couple of months, since really starting the Leicester Awards course! 

It has been a great course to take following up on my master degree, it allowed me to reflect and analyse my own objectives and career goals for the future. Having the chance to record it all and putting it all in one place through my recent blog has been a major improvement in giving me further incentives to actually move on with my career and personal aspirations. 

It has certainly been an essential study journey for me to take, and I'm pleased I did say yes!

It has complemented my recent master degree and made my learning and studies so much more valuable in many different ways for sure!

It has actually helped me create my own personal vehicle to lift off, creating my own space, where I could include my own reflections, allowing my personality to surface and be able to crystallise my ideas into posts, images and videos I'm interested in:) 

My Leicester Awards for Employability Experience! Part I

Late May of this year, as I was in the middle of my academic research for my HRM & Training master degree dissertation, I received an email from the University of Leicester inviting me to participate in the Leicester Awards for Employability course being conducted for the university graduates over the three months summer break (June-Aug 2013).

Although I was very much overwhelmed with my existing study research and work load, I was extremely honoured to be invited and really welcomed the chance to take part with other fellow students as professionals of different background and disciplines, coming together from across the globe to learn, interact and work on our SM capabilities.

I too was very pleased to be given the opportunity to hone on my newly found knack for Social Media!

The Online Networking course is one of numerous Leicester Awards courses available to the University of Leicester graduate students helping them better improve on their business management skills, along networking and communication capabilities. These courses have been ideally devised with the students future career move in mind to highly assist them in their employability search after graduation.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Arabian Gulf Changing Cultural Landscape for the Better!:)

In the face of Global financial troubles within the US and closer to home in Europe and UK...The UAE seems well sheltered, keeping its distance away from its troubled neighbouring countries in the Middle East...  

Quite right...Keeping focused on national stability and growth, health progress...and mostly high education on the rise, ensuring nationwide technical and knowledge skilling of its wealthy population.

The UAE has achieved a global high ranking for its national education system, with about Dhs 3.9 billion of the federal budget being allocated to the needs of its universities, colleges, targeting mostly its nationals Emiratis; the country has moved forward in leaps and bounds in its holistic approach to improving standards of living through improving its core countrywide demands for high levels of healthcare and overall competitive HE systems.

Reflections on Two Divergent Matters: The Gender Parity Issue along The European Union Dilemma... A Matter of True Intent & Serious Commitments!

As I was reviewing previous steps made towards finalising my academic master degree and the long months undertaken in preparation towards the completion of my dissertation on the topic of ‘Drivers and Barriers to the Career Progress of Professional Women into Senior and Boardroom Positions in Business Organisations’. 

Further reflections on some of the initiatives taken towards the research conducted in gathering information, starting a pilot study as an initial small initiative to ascertain the validity of the project theme chosen, and then conducting the full research itself with all the interviews organised, along the accurate analysis of gathered data and artfully extracted info from the survey questionnaire devised to make one's eligible conclusions into acceptable results. 

Not an easy process for sure! But plausible and convincing it must be!  

Coaching & Mentoring University / Colleges Girls' Projects in UAE

Last April I was invited to attend debates and discussions on this very exciting idea of forming an advisory women's group matching mentors with mentees in the UAE. These projected assignments will certainly be much better assisted through well devised and well constructed business coaching and career mentoring programmes. 

Upon gathering few enthusiastic professional business savvy ladies, about ten of us all in all, our meeting was planned to convene at a later date in order to review, discuss and debate few ideas on how best to serve the mentor / mentee relationships within a much needed manageable ideal and well founded schemes.

British Council's UAE "Enterprise Challenge" in Partnership with Barclay...

British Council and Higher College of Technology: Skills For Employability

Dr. Hibah Shata speaks at the University of Dubai's Women Leadership Forum

Executive Education Programmes (playlist)

In Pursuit of Helping Others: Building up on Career Coaching & Mentoring Skills!

Going through the website of the National Careers Service in UK, it made me think how important it is to have a role model in one's life to aspire to and look up for in one's vocational and professional journey. For many seeking help for career guidance and moral support, being able to gain assistance and advice is so crucial when reflecting on one's own personal growth. Career Advice here could be for many simply a life saviour!