Thursday, 19 September 2013

Reflections on Two Divergent Matters: The Gender Parity Issue along The European Union Dilemma... A Matter of True Intent & Serious Commitments!

As I was reviewing previous steps made towards finalising my academic master degree and the long months undertaken in preparation towards the completion of my dissertation on the topic of ‘Drivers and Barriers to the Career Progress of Professional Women into Senior and Boardroom Positions in Business Organisations’. 

Further reflections on some of the initiatives taken towards the research conducted in gathering information, starting a pilot study as an initial small initiative to ascertain the validity of the project theme chosen, and then conducting the full research itself with all the interviews organised, along the accurate analysis of gathered data and artfully extracted info from the survey questionnaire devised to make one's eligible conclusions into acceptable results. 

Not an easy process for sure! But plausible and convincing it must be!  

With the question of the gender dilemma and Glass Ceiling in mind, recurring thoughts within the complex context of all the HRM articles and journals covered in readings, deciphering and researching, new startling themes kept on popping up! 

What would female gender discrimination have to do with male perception of manhood or fatherhood for that matter?

Is childhood at fault?

Would parenting create a backlash effect lasting for decades into old age?

Why some men still feel so threatened by the idea of co-sharing in policymaking and leadership management and decisions?

Could it be women are less inclined to care about all that male interests in profit & loss accounts?

The bottom line could be simply, the old ways since the creation of trade: Women are happy to spend and men eager to provide!

It's a simple function immutable in every way! The ever so precise formula of balancing demand with supply...I guess the Demand would be feminine and the Supply masculine here!

Excess however is always in good form... No wonder these two will never match! 

Yet when they do life is so much better! Inflation would have such a positive effect then!... and interests rates would be kept inclined with further ongoing boom, minus threatening debts and deficits creating growing fights and fears for possible steep bust!

Away from the troubled economies of the world and back to my study exploit! 

In addition to establishing some ties within academia as well, these have actually helped me reconnect to a vast business sector in the UAE market. In fact, I had to open doors for myself in order to see my master project through to the very last dot! A long one for sure...

Along the way, I actually made few friends from new faces. I got a bit closer to understanding the UAE HE needs and dwelt more in depth into the intricate  national business environment. 

It was all so very interesting to me really! 

Personally, I was so keen on creating a greater gender awareness! I ended up attending few interesting forums, relevant seminars and meetings. Spent my time in the first six months of this year so focused on the gender issue at hand, talking about it to every person I met! 

I was very much interested to know everyone's opinion! 

Did other women felt so passionate about it just like me? 

Were guys aware of such divide, or was it safer to ignore it all together?

I wanted to know, why so little interest was being generate to the real problem of excluding women from the decision table on a wider scale!

After all, we all progress the same, regardless of our gender, we go through life as little children cared by our parents, into happy childhood and awkward teens, landing as well educated adults, thrusted into the whirlpool of exhausting rounds of repetitive, dizzying rather than dazzling spells of hellish social and professional commitments... leading our life so tightly into suffocation!

Sounds a bit like the European Crisis debate I attended yesterday at the LSE...The European 'Debt' crises is overwhelming!...Unlike the bogy man, it won't go away once you close and reopen your eyes!!   

Actions need to take place if any progress is to be seen and witnessed!

However, unlike the clashes of the Titans or the default of the Eurozone...The Gender Parity is looming far closer than people think really, even if some don't like the idea materialising...There can be no avoidance here! It's already happening everywhere and the UAE is no exception! 

In business, it's a different matter...The idea is to rethink the size and shape of the issue at hand. How can we exchange murky issues causing problems with clear 'solutions' to suit the needs?

What about a 'substitute'? 

A substitute is not necessarily something completely different! It could be a little tweak here and there, an adjustment, but mainly a correction! 

A correction is a much needed adjustment!... An amendment to change things for the better. 

Pleasing everyone is another matter! 

In tackling the gender dilemma, back to my own small research.... I realised in fact there are no major divide between the UAE and the rest of the world! It all simply confirmed to me, the gender issue is one and the same issue across geography, history, language, social norms and cultures, even politics! 

Few might believe it, however, I personally found the Gender Parity & Diversity is one and the same everywhere! 

Like currencies, it does work well whichever way you put it, regardless of its national emblem and representation! 

It simply is how and for what it is being used? 

Has it been devalued or kept afloat? 

Has it gained currency and value like diamond, gold and ruby?

Again 'intent' is the main source to see why things work well at times and can turn into total catastrophes at others?

The European Union is still looming....I guess the Gender Parity is in a far better place!

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